Parenting means to nurture, protect, and teach your children to function and survive in this world in a highly productive and happy manner. From first steps to survival skills, animal mothers teach their babies the same lessons as human mothers. But what is so special or unique about parenting a human child. During the first two years of a baby’s life, the brain grows and develops significantly almost up to 80%. Not only brain but human mind also develops in terms of thinking patterns, emotional intelligence, and psychological skills. During this period a baby’s brain is twice as active as an adult’s brain. As a parent you have a golden opportunity to help your baby develop socially, physically, and cognitively.
“The genes are the bricks & mortar to build a brain. The environment we provide, as parents, is the architect”. We should try to give the right environment for developing the brain. This is catalysed by environmental stimuli which is in the hands of care givers.

Guide for healthy kids
- Healthy infancy
- How to welcome your baby
- Giving first feed-how and why
- How does your child grow in first 2 yrs.
- Physical growth
- Developmental milestones
- Common medical problems
- When to see a doctor
- Vaccinations
- When to start complementary feeds
- Right Nutrition for your baby
Healthy infancy
How to welcome your baby
Giving first feed-how and why
How does your child grow in first 2 yrs.
Physical growth
Developmental milestones
Common medical problems
When to see a doctor
When to start complementary feeds
Right Nutrition for your baby
Guide for intelligent kids
Learning in this Golden period lays down the strong foundation for learning potential, aptitude, and attitude for life
- Know your infant
- How mind develops
- Power of mind
- How to teach
- What is holistic development?
- Is my child intelligent?
- Different domains of intelligences
- Can he memorise?
- How should I teach?
- How to work on emotional intelligence
- What is heart intelligence?
- How to increase spiritual quotient
- How to work on belief system of our baby
Know your infant
How mind develops
Power of mind
How to teach
What is holistic development?
Is my child intelligent?
Different domains of intelligences
Can he memorise?
How should I teach?
How to work on emotional intelligence
What is heart intelligence?
How to increase spiritual quotient
How to work on belief system of our baby